Zgodba o uspehu #ProjectV6 se nadaljuje!
Tokrat v beli barvi in skupaj devet odličnih modelov, ki še nikoli niso bili na voljo v prosti prodaji. Izbrani profesionalni vratarji že nekaj časa igrajo in preizkušajo rokavice te strogo omejene izdaje. Zdaj lahko tudi vi kupite te edinstvene vratarske rokavice.

Posebnost modelov ProjectV6 Whiteout Limited je ekskluzivnost vsake rokavice. Vsaka rokavica je opremljena z napisom 6 Project Varan in lastno serijsko šteivlko od 1 do 90 na hrbtni strani dlani. Noben drug vratar ne bo mogel igrati z enakimi rokavicami. Zagotovite si svoj edinstven model že danes.

POZOR: V nekaterih primerih so na voljo samo 3 pari določenega modela rokavic.

Varan6 Hero NC Aqua

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97566" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Hero Power

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97579" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro+ Power

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97581" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro NC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97583" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro NC Aqua

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97585" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro GC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97587" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro Hybrid

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97589" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro RC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97591" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro RC 4FS

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97593" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!